Thursday 28 February 2013

Enders Game Questions, 9-11

Chapter 9 – Locke and Demosthenes
1. There is a real battle, internally and unspoken, between Peter and Valentine. Who is manipulating whom?  Who really has the power?
Peter is manipulating Valentine, because he is telling her to write and he is mean to her.
2.  Look up the names Locke and Demosthenes, how do these philosophers relate to the personas of Peter and Valentine?
Well, locke is a person who would rather go to war then resolve a conflict peacefully and that is the attitude that peter gave Demosthenes, who would rather resolve something peacefully, than go to war.
3. Why is Ender still angry?
Because he think he is like Peter and he doesn't Know how he has “changed”

Chapter 10 – Dragon
1. What kind of leader was Ender?  Why was he this kind of leader?
Ender was a Well respected  leader and he  was a bully to bean like Bonzo to him. Because he wanted suppository.
2. What did Ender do to Bean, and why?
He kind of bullied him,  because he was small and smart.
3. What does the word Salaam mean?  What could this tell you about the power of religious identity?
Salaam  means peace in Arabic, this means that religion is a scarce thing things are falling apart because there has always been religion in all types.
4. What is important about the end of this chapter?  Was Ender’s reaction a mistake by the Battle School teachers, or was it the reaction they wanted?
I think that enders reaction of not playing the game is what they a way. They wanted to move him up and if he was not going to play the game- which is the whole school- why not move him up?
Chapter 11 – Veni Vidi Vici
1. How does the computer know Ender so well?  Does it really?
the computer doesn't know ender the buggers do.
2. Explain this quote: “Yes. That’s the worst that could happen. I can’t lose any games. Because if I lose any--” (page 198)
it means that he can't lose any games because then people will die.
3. Why are the teachers pushing Ender so hard?
Because if they don't their lives will all be lost.
4. Discuss the importance of the last two sentences of the chapter.
well, he wants bean to think outside of the box and not think of thing that are already thought of.
5. “Veni vidi vici” means, “I came; I saw; I conquered.”  Why is this an appropriate chapter title?
well they threw everything at him and he still one and/or conquered.

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