Tuesday 26 February 2013

Ender's game questions, 6-8

Chapter 6 – The Giant’s Drink

1. What is the purpose of the "Giant's" Game? How should Ender evaluate his
success at this game? Is he a murderer?
The “giants drink” is a game in witch you die every time the giant challenges you, unless your Ender Wiggin. He killed the Giant, by burrowing into his eyes. he's success is a murderous one and I don't think ender is trying to hurt people but rather its just what he is good at.

Chapter 7 – Salamander

1. What did Alai say to Ender? Why is the exchange between Alai and Ender so
he said the word “salaam” which means peace in another language. this is important because it is a friend for him, this is exactly what the school did not want.

2. What is the "just living" mentioned in this chapter?  Is it true that Ender has never
done this?  What does Ender want out of life?  How would you feel if you were he?
I think he just didn't want to kill., and he was never normal, because he is a third. and being a third is instinctive ridicule.

3. How did Petra help Ender? How is Petra’s friendship a hindrance to Ender?
Her friendship to ender helps him to feel supported and happy.But the people who run the place have to separate him again.

4. What does Ender learn about leadership and tactics from Bonzo?
he learns a harsh stand offish leader is easily misunderstood, and that if you have new idea for tactic you will easily prevail.

Chapter 8 – Rat

1. Graff says, “Ender Wiggin is ten times smarter and stronger than I am.”  Explain
what this quote means.
I think that he is saying  that Ender can withstand a lot of isolation and torture but graff the person doing this to him can not.

2. What is significant about the quote: “So teach me.”  “So learn.”
I think it means that in battle school you're on your own, and you don't have a person to care for you.

3. Why is Ender’s response to an attack so significant?
he is a person who has natural- or so it seems- reflexes and self defence.
4. What did the scene with the snake and Peter’s reflection represent?
it to me represented that ender was like peter and when he finds out the snake is valintine it shows him all the grief it gives her to have him as a brother.
5. How does the game know?
The game is a super computer and it can access anything it wants if it thinks it will help the child learn.
6. Discuss the importance of the last paragraph of this chapter.
well the last paragraph in chapter eight was about how Ender was like Peter, and that is not who he wants to be. 

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