Thursday 7 February 2013

Enders game questions, 1-5

Chapter 1 – Third

1. What attitude motivates the adults to lie to Ender?

well, if the adults did not lie to Ender, their plan would be chaos! So in order to keep things calm they will lie to Ender, and save the world!!!

2. Explain what it seems to mean for Ender to be born a "Third". Show whether this is
a negative or positive fact to:
- his parents,
- his brother, Peter,
- his sister, Valentine, and
- his classmates.
well it is a burden on his family in general, because, they're not supposed to have over two children. and to his classmates they feel motivated to tease someone who is different.
Chapter 2 – Peter
1. Was Peter joking when he threatened Ender and Valentine? Support your answer
with evidence from the novel.
yes, I think that Peter was kidding because at night he whispered to Ender that he loved him.

2. Why is Peter’s behavior at the end of the chapter so completely different from the
rest of the chapter?
becaause, Enders “monitors” out so peter felt relieved that he's brother was not chosen as well, even though he was.

3. How do you feel about each of these characters (Ender, Valentine, Peter)? What
did the author do to help create these feelings? Give examples.

well for Ender feel sympathetic, in a way that is so sad. For Valentine I feel sad that her brother,companion the one she cared for was taken from her and she can never get it back.
aaaand for peterI do not think he is a monster , rather just a troubled kid,who has major anger issues.

Chapter 3 – Graff
1. What did Graff mean about evolution working against girls?
people think that girls are little princess, but no we work hard and fight for what we want too.
2. Ender is leaving to learn how to fight a war, yet he takes Graff’s hand. Why does
Orson Scott Card (OSC) include this action? I think that OSC includes this because, Ender is just a child, just a bit bigger than a toddler, thats why I think that OSC included that.

Chapter 4 – Launch
1. Explain the meaning of the following statement: “Individual human beings are tools
that the others use to help us all survive.”
Well, I think that, the statement means or at least means to me, that some humans are chosen, and some are not, so the ones that are chosen are used for a greater purpose.

2. Explain the following quote: "Isolate him enough that he remains creative -
otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll lose him." Your answer should
include the terms: isolation, creative, adopt, lose.
well, in order to obtain a top notch creative, mind he will have to be isolated or esce he will adopt the groups, routine and lose his creative abilities.

3. Did Ender mean to break the other boy’s arm? What does this incident tell us about Ender? Is it acceptable to do despicable things for survival? Why or why not?
no Ender, did not mean to break bernards arm, it was the effect of nollo teklls us thhat ender is a littil kid not to be messed with. well if it is really, necessary, then yes, but if not then no, definitely no.

Chapter 5 – Games
1. Ender works hard to express his feelings in private and not show homesickness in
front of any other person. Is it healthy for him or not? What is positive and what is negative about showing feelings? What is positive and what is negative about not
showing feelings?
I have heard that when people, don't let their emotions out they could turn into a physiological mess. so I think that, you should, let out your emotions. A negative about showing emotions is that some people might not respect that and make fun of you. a positive, is that you can feel better about ourselves. negative, about, not showing is that, some people will be afraid that nothing can break you. a positive, is that you will be respected because, you can't be broken.

2. How did Ender beat Bernard? Is this an unusual solution to his problem?
well he beat him by outsmarting him. yes this is an unusual way to beat someone.
3. List the different coping mechanisms (ways of dealing with difficulties) Ender
shows. For each one describe whether the overall result of each is helpful or
harmful to Ender.
he made friends with bernards best friend Alia., and it made bernard stop.
also he wrote a message about bernard to publicly humiliate him and signed it god and made bernard mad.

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