Thursday 28 February 2013


Drones were not invented for violence
not for killing or death
just for epionage
not for war
Drones are so despicable
for all they do is kill
nothing good can come from death
Drones kill what they're told
you and your family are not safe
until you prove your innocence
when you act suspicious you could be stalked
Flying above you unwatched
Then your shot!
take it to court
you can't prove any thing
not a scar not a scrach
your unharmed
Drones were not invented for violence

Ode To My Hairbrush

to my hair brush i thank
for making my hair shiny
Every day i use you
bejewel glittery beautiful
my hairbrush
at first my hair is naughty
its wiled and crazy
an' thick
but after using you
my hair is smoth
and soft as silk
thank yo my hair brush...
ode to you.

Enders Game Questions, 9-11

Chapter 9 – Locke and Demosthenes
1. There is a real battle, internally and unspoken, between Peter and Valentine. Who is manipulating whom?  Who really has the power?
Peter is manipulating Valentine, because he is telling her to write and he is mean to her.
2.  Look up the names Locke and Demosthenes, how do these philosophers relate to the personas of Peter and Valentine?
Well, locke is a person who would rather go to war then resolve a conflict peacefully and that is the attitude that peter gave Demosthenes, who would rather resolve something peacefully, than go to war.
3. Why is Ender still angry?
Because he think he is like Peter and he doesn't Know how he has “changed”

Chapter 10 – Dragon
1. What kind of leader was Ender?  Why was he this kind of leader?
Ender was a Well respected  leader and he  was a bully to bean like Bonzo to him. Because he wanted suppository.
2. What did Ender do to Bean, and why?
He kind of bullied him,  because he was small and smart.
3. What does the word Salaam mean?  What could this tell you about the power of religious identity?
Salaam  means peace in Arabic, this means that religion is a scarce thing things are falling apart because there has always been religion in all types.
4. What is important about the end of this chapter?  Was Ender’s reaction a mistake by the Battle School teachers, or was it the reaction they wanted?
I think that enders reaction of not playing the game is what they a way. They wanted to move him up and if he was not going to play the game- which is the whole school- why not move him up?
Chapter 11 – Veni Vidi Vici
1. How does the computer know Ender so well?  Does it really?
the computer doesn't know ender the buggers do.
2. Explain this quote: “Yes. That’s the worst that could happen. I can’t lose any games. Because if I lose any--” (page 198)
it means that he can't lose any games because then people will die.
3. Why are the teachers pushing Ender so hard?
Because if they don't their lives will all be lost.
4. Discuss the importance of the last two sentences of the chapter.
well, he wants bean to think outside of the box and not think of thing that are already thought of.
5. “Veni vidi vici” means, “I came; I saw; I conquered.”  Why is this an appropriate chapter title?
well they threw everything at him and he still one and/or conquered.


Brains of rats connected allowing them to share information via internet

Ian Sample, science correspondent   
Thursday 28 February 2013 10.05 EST   
The Guardian

Scientist create the first organic computer, using the brains of rats. They used the internet to connect the two rats brains, from the researchers' lab at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and the other in Natal, Brazil..Led by Miguel Nicolelis, a pioneer of devices that allow paralysed people to control computers and robotic arms with their thoughts, the researchers say their latest work may enable multiple brains to be hooked up to share information.The scientists first demonstrated that rats can share, and act on, each other's sensory information by electrically connecting their brains via tiny grids of electrodes that reach into the motor cortex, the brain region that processes movement.

The rats were trained to press a lever when a light went on above it. When they performed the task correctly, they got a drink of water. To test the animals' ability to share brain information, they put the rats in two separate compartments. Only one compartment had a light that came on above the lever. When the rat pressed the lever, an electronic version of its brain activity was sent directly to the other rat's brain. In trials, the second rat responded correctly to the imported brain signals 70% of the time by pressing the lever.Remarkably, the communication between the rats was two-way. If the receiving rat failed at the task, the first rat was not rewarded with a drink, and appeared to change its behaviour to make the task easier for its partner. In further experiments, the rats collaborated in a task that required them to distinguish between narrow and wide openings using their whiskers.       

Wednesday 27 February 2013


Film director killed in New Zealand shark attack

                                                           New Zealand
11:11a.m. EST February 27, 2013

      A popular short film maker, Adam Strange, was brutally attacked by a shark. Strange was believed to be attacked by a great white shark, while he was swimming. the police and shark specialists believe the shark to be 14 to 16 feet long.Attacks are rare. Duffy estimated that only 12 to 14 people have been killed by sharks in New Zealand since record-keeping began in the 1830s.Around the world, sharks attacked humans 80 times last year, and seven people were killed, according to the University of Florida's International Shark Attack File. The death toll was lower than it was in 2011 but higher than the average of 4.4 from 2001 to 2010.
       I think that in New Zealand you have always got to be watching the ocean. I personal don't go in the water unless i know I'm not in danger. It is very rare that death is caused by a shark, but it still dose happen.I feel sorry for Strange's family and all the other family's that have had to suffer this separation of loved ones.The officer fired up to 12 shots before the shark, apparently hit, released the body. "It rolled over and disappeared," Rutene said, estimating the shark was about 14 feet long.Pio Mose told the Herald that he watched the shark attack while fishing on nearby rocks. Mose said he saw the "huge" shark attack the victim, who was swimming alone from the bay back to the beach, about 50 yards from where Mose was standing.


Tuesday 26 February 2013


Hailey Fuentez

Balloon tragedy may take further toll on Egypt tourism

Laura Bly
USA today
4:26p.m. February 26, 2013

A snagged landing cable on a hot air balloon sparked a fire, explosion and crash Tuesday that killed 19 foreign tourists near Egypt's ancient Nile River city of Luxor.The tragedy also dealt another blow to Egypt's staggering, post-revolution tourism industry.The deaths included French, British, Belgian, Hungarian, Japanese nationals and nine tourists from Hong Kong.A couple of the people such as the pilots and two of the tourists were taken to a local hospital and one of the tourist died later due to severe injuries.

once one of my family members went to egypt as a tourist and i'm just glad it wasn't them in that balloon, the families of the deceased riders must be devastated. I can only give my empathy to them. To Egypt this has a question ing of faulty machinery or the pilots not knowing how to drive. well all in all this a tragic accident, fatal for all.It is understood that while the pilot involved in the 2011 crash no longer works for Sky Cruises, the company remained the preferred carrier for Blue Sky travel agents, and by extension Thomas Cook, whom they represent in Egypt.Representatives of Thomas Cook in Eg ypt referred press inquiries to the head office in London. But the Luxor manager of Blue Sky denied it should have changed carriers after the 2011 incident.

Ender's game questions, 6-8

Chapter 6 – The Giant’s Drink

1. What is the purpose of the "Giant's" Game? How should Ender evaluate his
success at this game? Is he a murderer?
The “giants drink” is a game in witch you die every time the giant challenges you, unless your Ender Wiggin. He killed the Giant, by burrowing into his eyes. he's success is a murderous one and I don't think ender is trying to hurt people but rather its just what he is good at.

Chapter 7 – Salamander

1. What did Alai say to Ender? Why is the exchange between Alai and Ender so
he said the word “salaam” which means peace in another language. this is important because it is a friend for him, this is exactly what the school did not want.

2. What is the "just living" mentioned in this chapter?  Is it true that Ender has never
done this?  What does Ender want out of life?  How would you feel if you were he?
I think he just didn't want to kill., and he was never normal, because he is a third. and being a third is instinctive ridicule.

3. How did Petra help Ender? How is Petra’s friendship a hindrance to Ender?
Her friendship to ender helps him to feel supported and happy.But the people who run the place have to separate him again.

4. What does Ender learn about leadership and tactics from Bonzo?
he learns a harsh stand offish leader is easily misunderstood, and that if you have new idea for tactic you will easily prevail.

Chapter 8 – Rat

1. Graff says, “Ender Wiggin is ten times smarter and stronger than I am.”  Explain
what this quote means.
I think that he is saying  that Ender can withstand a lot of isolation and torture but graff the person doing this to him can not.

2. What is significant about the quote: “So teach me.”  “So learn.”
I think it means that in battle school you're on your own, and you don't have a person to care for you.

3. Why is Ender’s response to an attack so significant?
he is a person who has natural- or so it seems- reflexes and self defence.
4. What did the scene with the snake and Peter’s reflection represent?
it to me represented that ender was like peter and when he finds out the snake is valintine it shows him all the grief it gives her to have him as a brother.
5. How does the game know?
The game is a super computer and it can access anything it wants if it thinks it will help the child learn.
6. Discuss the importance of the last paragraph of this chapter.
well the last paragraph in chapter eight was about how Ender was like Peter, and that is not who he wants to be. 

Video Game Response

Video Game Response

I do not play video games. I think there are many other things to do. You can do what you're doing in  the video game in real life. Such as if it was a game like tennis, you can actually go and play tennis instead of sitting on your butt and looking at a screen. I never have time to play them either. I don't see how people have time for them. As Well as a waste of time there are many studies to prove that they can cause many various diseases. I think it is ridiculous that people would give themselves a disease they knew it was coming. so in  conclusion, I think video games are a waste of time..

Thursday 14 February 2013

CEJ # 2

                                                                                 Hailey Fuentez

President Obama is following up on his State of the Union with visits to North Carolina, Georgia and Illinois.

                                           Georgia & Illinois
David Jackson and Larry Copeland
USA today
11:42a.m. EST February 14, 2013
President Obama, visited Georgia and Illinois to talk about the importance of early childhood education. He plans to help fund preschool for children who are 200% under the poverty level. He believes that if you go to preschool you will be more successful, and hold a steady income job. Some republicans said “ too expensive and ill-conceived in an era of high debt.”
I think that it is not necessarily help that you go to preschool, because I went to preschool and bunches of daycares, well I don't have a job but i'm still in school though but i'm not good at many subjects and i have to work to get what i want. So I dis agree that you have to go to preschool to be smart.

CEJ# 1

                                Hailey fuentez


LAPD: No celebration after fiery end to standoff

San Bernardino

William M. Welch
USA today
11:53am. February 13, 2013
My article is about a, “cop killing terrorist”, Christopher Dorner, who is to be believed that was the one responsible for the fight in San Bernardino. there were a lot of dead cops and deputies, from the san bernardino police department. What happened is that the swat team was tear gassing the cabin then doner shot a gun and that was believed that started the fire. in seconds the cabin was a flames and dorner was believed to be dead. They did not know if the charred human remains were dorners or not there are more forensic tests are being held.

well this all started with a threat on the internet and then turned into a week of murders crimes . Everything today is about the internet and how it is effecting the economy and how it is changing the world. Sometimes people don't see the bad way the internet affects things badly, like this threat that turned into murders of an innocent family. some people don't get it, the internet is a force not to be reckoned with. so in conclusion, there are a lot of bad people in this world and some do really bad things.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Enders game questions, 1-5

Chapter 1 – Third

1. What attitude motivates the adults to lie to Ender?

well, if the adults did not lie to Ender, their plan would be chaos! So in order to keep things calm they will lie to Ender, and save the world!!!

2. Explain what it seems to mean for Ender to be born a "Third". Show whether this is
a negative or positive fact to:
- his parents,
- his brother, Peter,
- his sister, Valentine, and
- his classmates.
well it is a burden on his family in general, because, they're not supposed to have over two children. and to his classmates they feel motivated to tease someone who is different.
Chapter 2 – Peter
1. Was Peter joking when he threatened Ender and Valentine? Support your answer
with evidence from the novel.
yes, I think that Peter was kidding because at night he whispered to Ender that he loved him.

2. Why is Peter’s behavior at the end of the chapter so completely different from the
rest of the chapter?
becaause, Enders “monitors” out so peter felt relieved that he's brother was not chosen as well, even though he was.

3. How do you feel about each of these characters (Ender, Valentine, Peter)? What
did the author do to help create these feelings? Give examples.

well for Ender feel sympathetic, in a way that is so sad. For Valentine I feel sad that her brother,companion the one she cared for was taken from her and she can never get it back.
aaaand for peterI do not think he is a monster , rather just a troubled kid,who has major anger issues.

Chapter 3 – Graff
1. What did Graff mean about evolution working against girls?
people think that girls are little princess, but no we work hard and fight for what we want too.
2. Ender is leaving to learn how to fight a war, yet he takes Graff’s hand. Why does
Orson Scott Card (OSC) include this action? I think that OSC includes this because, Ender is just a child, just a bit bigger than a toddler, thats why I think that OSC included that.

Chapter 4 – Launch
1. Explain the meaning of the following statement: “Individual human beings are tools
that the others use to help us all survive.”
Well, I think that, the statement means or at least means to me, that some humans are chosen, and some are not, so the ones that are chosen are used for a greater purpose.

2. Explain the following quote: "Isolate him enough that he remains creative -
otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll lose him." Your answer should
include the terms: isolation, creative, adopt, lose.
well, in order to obtain a top notch creative, mind he will have to be isolated or esce he will adopt the groups, routine and lose his creative abilities.

3. Did Ender mean to break the other boy’s arm? What does this incident tell us about Ender? Is it acceptable to do despicable things for survival? Why or why not?
no Ender, did not mean to break bernards arm, it was the effect of nollo teklls us thhat ender is a littil kid not to be messed with. well if it is really, necessary, then yes, but if not then no, definitely no.

Chapter 5 – Games
1. Ender works hard to express his feelings in private and not show homesickness in
front of any other person. Is it healthy for him or not? What is positive and what is negative about showing feelings? What is positive and what is negative about not
showing feelings?
I have heard that when people, don't let their emotions out they could turn into a physiological mess. so I think that, you should, let out your emotions. A negative about showing emotions is that some people might not respect that and make fun of you. a positive, is that you can feel better about ourselves. negative, about, not showing is that, some people will be afraid that nothing can break you. a positive, is that you will be respected because, you can't be broken.

2. How did Ender beat Bernard? Is this an unusual solution to his problem?
well he beat him by outsmarting him. yes this is an unusual way to beat someone.
3. List the different coping mechanisms (ways of dealing with difficulties) Ender
shows. For each one describe whether the overall result of each is helpful or
harmful to Ender.
he made friends with bernards best friend Alia., and it made bernard stop.
also he wrote a message about bernard to publicly humiliate him and signed it god and made bernard mad.