Monday 30 September 2013

see how easy it is to fool a king responce

When friar Montecinos said “See how easy it is to fool a king”, after giving sermons that angers the town people ,I thought that he meant to anger them and provoke them to the point in which they would send him back to Spain. And in Spain Friar montecinos has all of his belongings, and he can go back to Spain and be happy as well as  telling the people that it is wrong to do harm to the Indians.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Encyclopedia entry #3

Glow sticks:  

Glow sticks are fun toys that glow in the dark and are often used at party or celebration.    My Experiences with glow sticks are not the best; they always break when I crack them and stain my clothes, so I avoid them as much as I can.                                                                                                      


I think that homework is unnecessary, we do work in class so why do extra work at home.I think it is a waste of intelligence to redo things you have already done. so all in all homework is a waste.  

Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Nectarine

     The Nectarine
I am at my grandma’s house, visiting her for the summer.  This is the house I have lived in for half of my life, maybe a little more. Visiting this house is like visiting a friend or family member that you haven’t seen for years. Walking through the all too familiar kitchen, I see nectarines. I grab one and a knife and go into the living room. I hear my cousins upstairs making a racket. I hear them arguing at the top of the stairs about who will go down the stairs first. Quickly, before my cousins come, I cut the nectarine, so that my cousins can not have any. In my haste to cut the nectarine, I accidentally cut my finger with the knife. My cousins come down the stairs and call my aunt who is watching us. My aunt starts freaking out about my bleeding finger, and finally she puts a bandage on it after I complain about it hurting. After we all settled down and I stopped bleeding, we went out to ice cream.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Poem for two voices

Taino People
I want gold
We want freedom
I want prosperity
I want servants
We both have religion
I want peace
I believe everyone has a proper place
we both have society
I believe that everyone is equal
I see medieval Spain
We both have a community
I see lush wildlife
I wish I could bring back gold to pay off my debt
We both dream of freedom
I wish we could live in peace forever
I wonder how people can live so primitively
We are both curious
I wonder how they can make such big canoes
I use currency to buy food
We both use our resources
I gather fruits and berries
I live in medieval Europe
We both have a home
I live on an island in the Philippines
I feel that it is right to look down on people
We both have opinions
All people should be equal
We take what we want
We both survive
We should give before taking

Encyclopedia entry #2

Birthdays & half birthdays:

I like birthdays but I think it is weird when someone says, for instance “i'm twelve and a half” you don't have a half birthday, i mean it would be awesome if you did but you don't.


I have a sister, I don't like her that much. She is a little sister, and she is annoying. She is always yelling when she could be talking and singing imaginary songs, but the worst part is she is argumentative. very argumentative. But their again  i'm a little sister too.

Monday 16 September 2013

Morning Girl Free Response

Morning Girl Free Response

The book Morning Girl is an interesting view on how the taino people lived. the author  Michael Dorris describes how a two tiano siblings live in a two different worlds, morning lives for the morning and star boy lives in the night.
 I thought the book Morning Girl was good but not the best, he could have been more descriptive . like when star boy forgot to pull the canoe so far up that it wouldn't wash away. you had no idea what was going on until five or six pages later. or when the baby sister died , how did she die , why did she die, when did she die?

Other than that the book was a good read and I would recommend it as a historic novel

Nature name

my nature name would be parrot girl, because i am bright and colorful. also there known to talk back.

Monday 9 September 2013

Six word memoirs

In school, ready to learn something

listening in class, to the teacher

looking out the window, watching things move

eyes closing slowly,getting drowsy, sleep

encyclopedia entry

Hailey Fuentez
my name is and always has been Hailey Fuentez. my name means and my last name is heritage so it means family. so to me my name means me family

garage is often mispronounced in my opinion and i hate it when people say it wrong. I’ll be in a conversation with someone and they'll say the word garage and miss pronounce it and ill walk away.that's how much i hate the word mispronounced. 

snakes are slithery scaly creatures. they used to scare me until my brother got one as a pet. he got the worst kind to the strangling type. and the worst part is ... it lives  in my room!!! only because the tank is too big to fit in my brothers room. but still scary!

Big Brothers
Brothers always lurking in their room. barely coming out. sometimes not at all. and when they do they are grumpy and mean why would you want one?

tweet memoirs

tweet memoirs

Me 2 weeks before school starts: in my tank top and shorts i scream “yay summer is never going to end”.

                           me today: yay were in school, not!